Thursday, October 30, 2008

A parlaiment of owls? Whose idea was this anyway?

From where I sit, I can hear Otis the Western Screech Owl calling from his mew. Made the mistake yesterday of telling him about our experimental seminar and now I think he want in too.

Anyhow, Kudos to Jenny for getting us off to a good start! Here's what I think about "Ecotonality."

Thanks to the last two sentences on page 4, it does feel a bit like a "journal entry" to me too. A good one by any measure, but still I say cut the phony ending and give us another fifty pages on tension. Maybe it's just because I'm in a similar place myself, but the exploration of the Cascade ecotone as a metaphor for being an itinerant 20-something (or is it the other way around?) seems like a worthwhile pursuit. Now I want to know what the counterpart of biodiversity is and looks like in Jenny Gilbert's life.

Some of my favorite lines: "These trees were so normal it didn't even occur to me to know their names." - made me think about how, as a kid, I could navigate anywhere I wanted to go in town by landmarks and it wasn't until driver's ed. that I bothered to learn street names.

"Just as the sun cleared the horizon its rays hit the base of the tree and the yellow light reflecting off the red trunk illuminated the whole yard as if by a campfire." -

"...the mountains are cloaked in dark green Douglas-firs, the trees' stiff, pointy tops making the ridges look as if they were cut by pinking shears."- The image is very good and accurate. I couldn't help laughing, though, as I imagined God, the progenitor of all things, (including, of course, arts and crafts) trimming away at creation with the kind of serrated scissors that people like my sister use to give their scrap-books a lil' extra flare.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

2 cents

i'd say loose guidelines/no guidelines.
prompts if you want them, but i feel like we're all pretty capable of being inspired in our own lives.
maybe we could stick to prose....?
as for fiction...i'm all for it

it's coming i promise!!

I started writing something. It's not about porches. It's also not done yet. (I'll pull the I-didn't-have-enough-warning card). By next monday. In the mail. Or cyberspace for you southern people.

Monday, October 20, 2008

I have an address!

It is...

oh shit, I forget. I'll look it up and post again. I like the front porch thing. I just checked out a short story anthology from the Boulder Public Library to study, so maybe get ready for a little bit o' fiction from me. Or, wait, are we only doing essays?

Fun! Blogging!
I love you all,

Sunday, October 19, 2008


How about the front porch thing? For a prompt, I mean.

Salutations from sudamerica

Dudes. And dudettes. Or like they say here, 'gueònes y gueònas.' For now, please send me your drafts electronically, or else post them to ye olde blogge, and that`s how I`ll get comments to ye. (Mail here in the remoter regions of Aysen is not very existant.) Later I will join in the snail mailing.

Nate, thanks muchly for putting me last in the schedule. That`s perfect.

Is there a prompt we should be thinking of?


Friday, October 17, 2008

On it.

What happened to going by backwards alphabetical order of middle names, huh? I should have been squarely at the end (it's gilberja, not gilberjz, you know? Actually, that would be a really embarrassing email address. I'm glad that's not it). Anyway, I can write something. It might not be in the mail by monday, but soon. Is there a promt or anything, N?

Oh, also, if you haven't already sent me a mailing address, do so. Otherwise I'll send you an electronic copy.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Schedule (finally)

I couldn't figure out how to put this information in the "due dates" section that Jenny created.  Anybody else want to solve that problem, be my guest. 

Oct 20th: Jenny
Oct 27th: Sydra
Nov 3rd: Nate
Nov 10th: Matt
Nov 17th: Cori
Nov 24th: Chelsea
Dec 1st: Emily Davis

I could keep going, but how about instead of that we each try to remember the person who submits just before us.  
If you have a problem with the order, or your first due date let me know and I can change it up. 
The dates, by the way, are all Mondays and that is when I was thinking we should try to get envelopes in the mail.  Good luck Jenny!


p.s. Anybody want anything from Whitman while I'm here?  You've got until Friday to make requests

Monday, October 13, 2008


So, now I'm a part of all this. What's next?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

i might revert back to dirt scratching soon but just thought i'd jump on board with the 21st century if only for a moment
hope all's well
happy right and left brain articulation

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dwell as near as possible...

This is the blog. Use it. Unless of course you are sitting by a stream contemplating the human/nature connection. Then I recommend using a journal. Or just scratch in the dirt or something.